This section provides a step-by-step guide through the key steps of the accreditation process. You will be able to access the documents and supporting information you need at each stage of your application. It also includes information on how to maintain your accreditation status, extend your scope, and advice on how to get the most value from your accreditation as well as access information about potential costs and timeline.
Is accreditation applicable to me?
Where to start?
We assesses organisations against national and internationally recognised standards.
Meeting the relevant requirements
Look at what you already have in relation to what the standard requires you to have in place. Carry out a gap analysis to identify areas that need addressing.
How to apply
To apply for accreditation, please complete the application form. The Form lists in detail the supporting information that you are required to submit with your application, including your current Management Plan and proof of legal status. The Application Fee, set out in the Terms of Business, must also be paid at this time. Incomplete applications will be delayed while information is received.
Handling your application
Upon receipt of the application, you will be allocated an Accreditation Manager, who will assign an Assessment Manager as your case manager and point of contact with DiversityAustralia. The Assessment Manager will review the documentation and guide you through the process of gaining accreditation. They will also discuss the composition of a proposed assessment team with you, that will be best placed to technically assess your organisation. There is normally a lead-in time of approximately three weeks to arrange the first assessment visit. This may be reduced based on the results of the Self Assessment Survey.
How to apply
- Information to be read prior to completing the form
- Please note the following prior to completion of the online application form:
- Please ensure that you have read all the appropriate information relevant to your application.
DiversityAustralia will require access to your documented management system (e.g. Quality Manual) and you Governance Documents (Charter, Strategic Plan) during the application and assessment process. Any amendments made to the system during this time should be forwarded to DiversityAustralia. All information given to DiversityAustralia for the purposes of this application will be treated in the strictest confidence. It would be much appreciated if documents were supplied in searchable electronic format.
Incomplete applications may result in a delay in processing, please therefore ensure you have included all of the information required before submission to DiversityAustralia, and that you have read, understood and acted upon the appropriate standards, publications and regulations.
On saving/submitting of this form an email will be sent to you advising you of your application reference and providing you with a unique link to your application. Please check your spam/junk folders in case the partial save/confirmation email has been sent to one of these folders.
If for any reason you have a problem using the online application form(s), please email DiversityAustralia.
Pre-assessment visit
Your Assessment Manager will guide you through the process and agree timescales for key milestones. A pre-assessment is an informal visit to determine how ready you are for accreditation. A pre-assessment visit is optional, but it can be a valuable step in the process to reduce delays in gaining accreditation. See the value of a pre-assessment visit. DiversityAustralia recommends a pre-assessment visit by the DiversityAustralia Assessment Manager (and possibly a technical assessor). This visit addresses the scope of accreditation requested and will normally involve between 1 and 4 days work. It is designed to confirm your organisation’s readiness for full assessment. The Assessment Manager will provide you with a quotation for the work involved and a report on the findings of the pre-assessment following the visit.